An active internet connection
Java 8+
Git client
Chapter 1, Introduction to Microservices, will introduce you to the microservices
architecture, cloud environment, etc. You will learn the difference between a
microservice based application and a monolith application while also learning
how to migrate to a microservices application.
Chapter 2, Spring for Microservices, will introduce you Spring Boot framework.
You will learn how to effictively use it to create microservice application. We
will cover such topics like creating REST API using Spring MVC annotations,
providing API documentation using Swagger2, and exposing health checks and
metrics using Spring Boot Actuator endpoints.
Chapter 3, Spring Cloud Overview, will provide a short description of the main
projects being a part of Spring Cloud. It will focus on describing the main
patterns implemented by Spring Cloud and assigning them to the particular
Chapter 4, Service Discovery, will describe a service discovery pattern with Spring
Cloud Netflix Eureka. You will learn how to run Eureka server in standalone
mode and how to run multiple server instances with peer-to-peer replication. You
will also learn how to enable discovery on the client side and register these
clients in different zones.
Chapter 5, Distributed Configuration with Spring Cloud Config, will describe how
use distributed configuration with Spring Cloud Config in your applications. You
will learn how to enable different backend repositories of property sources and
push change notifications using Spring Cloud Bus. We will compare discovery
first bootstrap and config first bootstrap approaches to illustrate integration
between discovery service and configuration server.
Chapter 6, Communication Between Microservices, will describe the most
important elements taking a part in an inter-service communication: HTTP
clients and load balancers. You will learn how to use Spring RestTemplate,
Ribbon, and Feign clients with or without service discovery.
Chapter 7, Advanced Load Balancing and Circuit Breakers, will described more
advanced topics related to inter-service communication between microservices.
You will learn how to implement different load balancing algorithms with
Ribbon client, enabling circuit breaker pattern using Hystrix and using Hystrix
dashboard to monitor communication statistics.
Chapter 8, Routing and Filtering with API Gateway, will compare two projects
used as an API gateway and proxy for Spring Cloud applications: Spring Cloud
Netlix Zuul and Spring Cloud Gateway. You will learn how to integrate them
with service discovery and create simple and more advanced routing and
filtering rules.
Chapter 9, Distributed Logging and Tracing, will introduce some popular tools for
collecting and analizing logging and tracing information generated by
microservices. You will learn how to use Spring Cloud Sleuth to append tracing
information and correlating messages. We will run sample applications that
integrates with Elastic Stack in order to sent there log messages, and Zipkin to
collect traces.
Chapter 10, Additional Configuration and Discovery Features, will introduce two
popular products used for service discovery and distributed configuration:
Consul and ZooKeeper. You will learn how to run these tools locally, and
intergrate your Spring Cloud applications with them.
Chapter 11, Message-Driven Microservices, will guide you how to provide
asynchronous, message-driven communication between your microservices. You
will learn how to integrate RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka message brokers with
your Spring Cloud application to enable asynchronous one-to-one and
publish/subscribe communication styles.
Chapter 12, Securing an API, will describe varius ways of securing your
microservices. We will implement a system consisting of all previously
introduced elements, that communicates with each other over SSL. You will also
learn how to use OAuth2 and JWT token to authorize requests coming to your
Chapter 13, Testing Java Microservices, will describe different strategies of
microservices testing. It will focus on showing consumer-driven contract tests,
especially useful in microservice-based environment. You will how to use such
frameworks like Hoverfly, Pact, Spring Cloud Contract, Gatling for implemnting
different types of automated tests.
Chapter 14, Docker Support, will provide a short introduction to Docker. It will
focus on describing most commonly used Docker commands, which are used for
running and monitoring microservices in containerized environment. You will
also learn how to build and run containers using popular continuous integration
server - Jenkins, and deploy them on Kubernetes platform.
Chapter 15, Spring Microservices on Cloud Platforms, will introduce two popular
cloud platforms that support Java applications: Pivotal Cloud Foundry and
Heroku. You will learn how to deploy, start, scale and monitor your applications
on these platforms using command-line tools or web console.
- 上一篇: 四级查分程序,可输出文本文件
- 下一篇: Mastering Spring Cloud azw3