中文手册的 UNITY 中英对照版本
Learning the Interface(学习界面)
First Launch(第一次运行)
Let's begin learning Unity. If you have not yet opened Unity, you can find it inside Start->Programs->Unity on Windows, or Applications->Unity on Mac. The Unity Editor will appear. Take your time to look over the Unity Editor interface and familiarize yourself with it. The Main Editor Window is made up of several Tabbed Windows, called Views. There are several types of Views in Unity, each with a specific purpose.
让我们开始学习Unity。如果你还没有打开Unity,你可以在Windows里面找到开始->程序-> Unity启动它,或者在Mac系统中通过Applications->Unity启动它。你自己可以观察Unity编辑器界面并熟悉它。主编辑器窗口是由几个选项卡式窗口组成,称之为视图。在Unity中,有不同类型的特殊用途的视图。
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