How to Flash SAM4C32C 2M Flash
1. Connection of the transfer PCB and J-LINK (Atmel SAM-ICE).
2. Change the Jlink path in file SAM4C32C.bat:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.5\arm\bin\jlink.exe" to the right path.
3. Change the binary name in SAM4C32C.jlink:
loadbin SAM4C32C_2M_Flash.bin, 0x01000000
4. Run SAM4C32C.bat.
将 sam4c32c-flash.board, sam4c32c-flash.flash 和 sam4c32c-flash.out 三个文件放到:
..IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.x\arm\config\flashloader\Atmel\sam4c32c
将 FlashSAM4C32.mac 文件放到:
…\IAR Systems\Embedded Workbench 7.x\arm\config\flashloader\Atmel\
- 上一篇: 文本语音朗读开发包 V6.4
- 下一篇: jlink v9.5原理图,验证可用