AN54181 Getting Started with a PSoC (R) 3 Design Project.pdf下载
The PSoC 3 device includes an 8051 processor, which
interfaces with highly configurable digital and analog
resources. PSoC 3 projects are constructed using a
powerful GUI, PSoC Creator, which enables designers to
configure the digital and analog blocks and write code.
PSoC Creator brings a high level of abstraction to the
PSoC 3 resources, enabling designers to quickly create
and build new projects, without the need to design the lowlevel
This application note provides a brief introduction to
PSoC 3 and PSoC Creator. It gives designers an
explanation of how to build and create their first project.
The project simply blinks two LEDs: one through software
control, and the other through PWM hardware control. For
more in-depth information on PSoC 3, refer to the PSoC 3,
PSoC 5 Architecture TRM (Technical Reference Manual).
This application note works in two phases. Phase 1
describes how to load and build a preloaded example
project that accompanies this application note. Phase 2
demonstrates how to create the same project from
scratch. The project will work on the PSoC Development
Kit (CY8CKIT-001) as well as on PSoC3 FirstTouch
Starter Kit (CY8CKIT-003) without any changes.