YL-KL26Z开发板是采用飞思卡尔Kinetis L系列的KL26Z128V4,ARM? Cortex?-M0+内核,主频48MHZ,片上资源有:128K内部Flash,和32K的SRAM,8通道16位ADC,12位DAC,高速比较器,低功率触摸传感界面,2路SPI,2路I2C,1路I2S,2路UART,1路LPUART,USB 2.0 FS OTG/ Host/Device控制器。
(L-KL26Z development board is using the KL26Z128V4 of Carle Kinetis L series, ARM ARM Cortex / -M0+ kernel, main frequency 48MHZ, on chip resources: 128K internal Flash, 32K SRAM, 8 channel 16 bits, 12 bits, high speed comparator, low power touch sensing interface, 2 way, 1 road, 2 Road, 1 road, 2. 2 .0 FS OTG/ Host/Device controller.)
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