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  • 更新:2024-11-24 23:43:32
  • 大小:5.58MB
  • 推荐:★★★★★
  • 来源:网友上传分享
  • 类别:Delphi - 后端
  • 格式:ZIP


MiTeC System Information Component Suite The most complex system information probe in Delphi and FPC/Lazarus world. The cost of a site license with full source codes is currently 110 EUR. TMiTeC_SystemInfo gathers all following components to one for simple use TMiTeC_AD explores ActiveDirectory TMiTeC_APM provides informaton about Advanced Power Management TMiTeC_BT detects Bluetooth devices using Native Bluetooth Enumerator) TMiTeC_CPU provides detailed CPU information TMiTeC_Devices provides devices information like Windows Device Manager TMiTeC_Disk provides logical drive information TMiTeC_Display provides display adapter information TMiTeC_DMA provides direct memory acceess TMiTeC_DriveContent scans and saves specified drive content TMiTeC_Engines provides information about various installed engines TMiTeC_EventLog digs information from Windows EventLog TMiTeC_Firewall enumerates settings and rules from Windows Firewall, rule management functionality TMiTeC_Machine provides informaton about computer or virtual machine, BIOS, TPM etc. TMiTeC_Media provides media devices information TMiTeC_Memory provides memory information TMiTeC_Monitor provides all connected moitors information TMiTeC_MSProduct detects some Microsoft products installed and their product keys TMiTeC_MUS detects available Windows updates (MicrosoftUpdateSession) TMiTeC_Network provides network card info, TCP/IP ad Winsock config, installed protocols, clients and services. TMiTeC_OperatingSystem provides OS detailed information, Locale, Timezone, NT specific info, hotfixes, internet settings etc. TMiTeC_Printers detects installed printers and their properties TMiTeC_ProcessList collects list of running processes, services, drivers and windows and their properties TMiTeC_Security detects installed AntiViruses, AntiSpyware and Firewalls TMiTeC_SMBIOS reads SMBIOS information from memory TMiTeC_Software provides list of installed software TMiTeC_Startup provides list of applications that are starte