Debian is a very successful operating system, which is pervasive in our digital lives more than
people often imagine or are aware of. A few data points will suffice to make this clear. At the
time of writing Debian is the most popular GNU/Linux variant among web servers: according
toW3Techs 1 ,morethan10%ofthewebisDebian-powered. Thinkaboutit: howmanywebsites
would have you missed today without Debian? Onto more fascinating deployments, Debian is
the operating system of choice on the International Space Station. Have you been following
the work of ISS astronauts, maybe via the social network presence of NASA or other interna-
tional organizations? Both the work in itself and the posts about it have been made possible by
Debian. Countless companies, universities, and public administrations rely on Debian daily for
their operations, delivering services to millions of users around the world... and its orbit!
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