understanding linux network internals下载
If you've ever wondered how Linux carries out the complicated tasks assigned to it by the IP protocols -- or if you just want to learn about modern networking through real-life examples -- "Understanding Linux Network Internals" is for you. Like the popular O'Reilly book, "Understanding the Linux Kernel," this book clearly explains the underlying concepts and teaches you how to follow the actual C code that implements it. Although some background in the TCP/IP protocols is helpful, you can learn a great deal from this text about the protocols themselves and their uses. And if you already have a base knowledge of C, you can use the book's code walkthroughs to figure out exactly what this sophisticated part of the Linux kernel is doing. Part of the difficulty in understanding networks -- and implementing them -- is that the tasks are broken up and performed at many different times by different pieces of code. One of the strengths of this book is to integrate the pieces and reveal the relationships between far-flung functions and data structures. "Understanding Linux Network Internals" is both a big-picture discussion and a no-nonsense guide to the details of Linux networking. Topics include: Key problems with networking Network interface card (NIe device drivers System initialization Layer 2 (link-layer) tasks and implementation Layer 3 (IPv4) tasks and implementation Neighbor infrastructure and protocols (ARP) Bridging Routing ICMP Author Christian Benvenuti, an operating system designer specializing in networking, explains much more than how Linux code works. He shows the purposes of major networking features and the trade-offs involved inchoosing one solution over another. A large number of flowcharts and other diagrams enhance the book's understandability.
Part I: General Background 背景知识
Chapter 1. Introduction 简介
Section 1.1. Basic Terminology 基础技术
Section 1.2. Common Coding Patterns 通用程序模式
Section 1.3. User-Space Tools 用户空间的工具
Section 1.4. Browsing the Source Code 浏览代码
Section 1.5. When a Feature Is Offered as a Patch 一些特性什么时候以补丁的形式提供
Chapter 2. Critical Data Structures 重要数据结构
Section 2.1. The Socket Buffer: sk_buff Structure 套接字缓存:sk_buff结构
Section 2.2. net_device Structure net_device结构
Section 2.3. Files Mentioned in This Chapter 本章所涉及的到的(代码)文件
Chapter 3. User-Space-to-Kernel Interface 从用户空间到内核态的接口
Section 3.1. Overview 简介
Section 3.2. procfs Versus sysctl
Section 3.3. ioctl
Section 3.4. Netlink 网络链接
Section 3.5. Serializing Configuration Changes 不断的配置变化
Part II: System Initialization 系统初始化
Chapter 4. Notification Chains (消息)通知链
Section 4.1. Reasons for Notification Chains 通知链的原因
Section 4.2. Overview 简介
Section 4.3. Defining a Chain 定义一个链
Section 4.4. Registering with a Chain 注册链
Section 4.5. Notifying Events on a Chain 在链上标记事件
Section 4.6. Notification Chains for the Networking Subsystems 网络子层的标记链
Section 4.7. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 4.8. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter 本章所涉及的到的函数与变量
Section 4.9. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter 本章所涉及的到的(代码)文件
Chapter 5. Network Device Initialization 网络设备的组织
Section 5.1. System Initialization Overview 简介
Section 5.2. Device Registration and Initialization 设备注册与初始化
Section 5.3. Basic Goals of NIC Initialization NIC初始化的基本目标
Section 5.4. Interaction Between Devices and Kernel 设备与内核的交互
Section 5.5. Initialization Options 初始化选项
Section 5.6. Module Options 模块选项
Section 5.7. Initializing the Device Handling Layer: net_dev_init 设备处理层的初始化
Section 5.8. User-Space Helpers 用户空间的帮助
Section 5.9. Virtual Devices 虚拟设备
Section 5.10. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 5.11. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter
Section 5.12. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter
Chapter 6. The PCI Layer and Network Interface Cards PCI层的网卡
Section 6.1. Data Structures Featured in This Chapter 本章的数据结构
Section 6.2. Registering a PCI NIC Device Driver PIC NIC设备驱动的注册
Section 6.3. Power Management and Wake-on-LAN 电源管理以及LAN唤醒
Section 6.4. Example of PCI NIC Driver Registration 示例
Section 6.5. The Big Picture 框架图
Section 6.6. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 6.7. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter
Section 6.8. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter
Chapter 7. Kernel Infrastructure for Component Initialization 组件初始化的底层内核(实现)
Section 7.1. Boot-Time Kernel Options 内核启动选项
Section 7.2. Module Initialization Code 模块初始化
Section 7.3. Optimized Macro-Based Tagging 基于标记的模块优化
Section 7.4. Boot-Time Initialization Routines 启动时的初始化例程
Section 7.5. Memory Optimizations 内存优化
Section 7.6. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 7.7. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter
Section 7.8. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter
Chapter 8. Device Registration and Initialization 设备的注册与初始化
Section 8.1. When a Device Is Registered 什么时候注册一个设备
Section 8.2. When a Device Is Unregistered
Section 8.3. Allocating net_device Structures 给XX结构分配内存
Section 8.4. Skeleton of NIC Registration and Unregistration NIC注册与反注册的框架
Section 8.5. Device Initialization 设备初始化
Section 8.6. Organization of net_device Structures XX结构的组织
Section 8.7. Device State 设备状态
Section 8.8. Registering and Unregistering Devices
Section 8.9. Device Registration
Section 8.10. Device Unregistration
Section 8.11. Enabling and Disabling a Network Device 网络设备的使能与去使能
Section 8.12. Updating the Device Queuing Discipline State 更新设备的??
Section 8.13. Configuring Device-Related Information from User Space 从用户空间配置与设备相关的信息
Section 8.14. Virtual Devices
Section 8.15. Locking 查找
Section 8.16. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 8.17. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter
Section 8.18. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter
Part III: Transmission and Reception 传输与接收
Chapter 9. Interrupts and Network Drivers 网络设备的中断
Section 9.1. Decisions and Traffic Direction 数据流的方向与决策
Section 9.2. Notifying Drivers When Frames Are Received 在数据帧接收到时通知驱动
Section 9.3. Interrupt Handlers 中断处理
Section 9.4. softnet_data Structure XX数据结构
Chapter 10. Frame Reception 帧接收
Section 10.1. Interactions with Other Features 与其它特性交互
Section 10.2. Enabling and Disabling a Device 设备的使能与去使能
Section 10.3. Queues 队列
Section 10.4. Notifying the Kernel of Frame Reception: NAPI and netif_rx 帧接收时通知内核
Section 10.5. Old Interface Between Device Drivers and Kernel: First Part of netif_rx 内核到设备驱动之间的老的接口
Section 10.6. Congestion Management 阻塞管理
Section 10.7. Processing the NET_RX_SOFTIRQ: net_rx_action
Chapter 11. Frame Transmission 帧传输
Section 11.1. Enabling and Disabling Transmissions
Chapter 12. General and Reference Material About Interrupts 中断的常识和和参考
Section 12.1. Statistics 统计
Section 12.2. Tuning via /proc and sysfs Filesystems
Section 12.3. Functions and Variables Featured in This Part of the Book
Section 12.4. Files and Directories Featured in This Part of the Book
Chapter 13. Protocol Handlers 协议处理
Section 13.1. Overview of Network Stack
Section 13.2. Executing the Right Protocol Handler
Section 13.3. Protocol Handler Organization
Section 13.4. Protocol Handler Registration
Section 13.5. Ethernet Versus IEEE 802.3 Frames
Section 13.6. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 13.7. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter
Section 13.8. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter
Part IV: Bridging 网桥
Chapter 14. Bridging: Concepts
Section 14.1. Repeaters, Bridges, and Routers 中继器,网桥和路由器
Section 14.2. Bridges Versus Switches 网桥与交换机
Section 14.3. Hosts 服务器
Section 14.4. Merging LANs with Bridges 聚合LAN和网桥
Section 14.5. Bridging Different LAN Technologies
Section 14.6. Address Learning 寻址
Section 14.7. Multiple Bridges 多网桥
Chapter 15. Bridging: The Spanning Tree Protocol 网桥,生成树协议
Section 15.1. Basic Terminology 基础技术
Section 15.2. Example of Hierarchical Switched L2 Topology 分级交换机的二层拓扑示例
Section 15.3. Basic Elements of the Spanning Tree Protocol 生成树协议的基本元素
Section 15.4. Bridge and Port IDs 网桥和端口ID
Section 15.5. Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) 交换机协议数据单元
Section 15.6. Defining the Active Topology
Section 15.7. Timers 计时器
Section 15.8. Topology Changes
Section 15.9. BPDU Encapsulation
Section 15.10. Transmitting Configuration BPDUs
Section 15.11. Processing Ingress Frames
Section 15.12. Convergence Time 时间收敛
Section 15.13. Overview of Newer Spanning Tree Protocols
Chapter 16. Bridging: Linux Implementation 桥接:Linux的实现
Section 16.1. Bridge Device Abstraction
Section 16.2. Important Data Structures
Section 16.3. Initialization of Bridging Code
Section 16.4. Creating Bridge Devices and Bridge Ports
Section 16.5. Creating a New Bridge Device
Section 16.6. Bridge Device Setup Routine
Section 16.7. Deleting a Bridge
Section 16.8. Adding Ports to a Bridge
Section 16.9. Enabling and Disabling a Bridge Device
Section 16.10. Enabling and Disabling a Bridge Port
Section 16.11. Changing State on a Bridge Port
Section 16.12. The Big Picture
Section 16.13. Forwarding Database
Section 16.14. Handling Ingress Traffic
Section 16.15. Transmitting on a Bridge Device
Section 16.16. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
Section 16.17. netdevice Notification Chain
Chapter 17. Bridging: Miscellaneous Topics 桥接:其它的主题
Section 17.1. User-Space Configuration Tools
Section 17.2. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 17.3. Tuning via /sys Filesystem
Section 17.4. Statistics
Section 17.5. Data Structures Featured in This Part of the Book
Section 17.6. Functions and Variables Featured in This Part of the Book
Section 17.7. Files and Directories Featured in This Part of the Book
Part V: Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) IP协议(V4)
Chapter 18. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Concepts
Section 18.1. IP Protocol: The Big Picture
Section 18.2. IP Header
Section 18.3. IP Options
Section 18.4. Packet Fragmentation/Defragmentation
Section 18.5. Checksums
Chapter 19. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Linux Foundations and Features
Section 19.1. Main IPv4 Data Structures
Section 19.2. General Packet Handling
Section 19.3. IP Options
Chapter 20. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Forwarding and Local Delivery
Section 20.1. Forwarding
Section 20.2. Local Delivery
Chapter 21. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Transmission
Section 21.1. Key Functions That Perform Transmission
Section 21.2. Interface to the Neighboring Subsystem
Chapter 22. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Handling Fragmentation
Section 22.1. IP Fragmentation
Section 22.2. IP Defragmentation
Chapter 23. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Miscellaneous Topics
Section 23.1. Long-Living IP Peer Information
Section 23.2. Selecting the IP Header's ID Field
Section 23.3. IP Statistics
Section 23.4. IP Configuration
Section 23.5. IP-over-IP
Section 23.6. IPv4: What's Wrong with It?
Section 23.7. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 23.8. Data Structures Featured in This Part of the Book
Section 23.9. Functions and Variables Featured in This Part of the Book
Section 23.10. Files and Directories Featured in This Part of the Book
Chapter 24. Layer Four Protocol and Raw IP Handling
Section 24.1. Available L4 Protocols
Section 24.2. L4 Protocol Registration
Section 24.3. L3 to L4 Delivery: ip_local_deliver_finish
Section 24.4. IPv4 Versus IPv6
Section 24.5. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 24.6. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter
Section 24.7. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter
Chapter 25. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv4)
Section 25.1. ICMP Header
Section 25.2. ICMP Payload
Section 25.3. ICMP Types
Section 25.4. Applications of the ICMP Protocol
Section 25.5. The Big Picture
Section 25.6. Protocol Initialization
Section 25.7. Data Structures Featured in This Chapter
Section 25.8. Transmitting ICMP Messages
Section 25.9. ICMP Statistics
Section 25.10. Passing Error Notifications to the Transport Layer
Section 25.11. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 25.12. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter
Section 25.13. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter
Part VI: Neighboring Subsystem
Chapter 26. Neighboring Subsystem: Concepts
Section 26.1. What Is a Neighbor?
Section 26.2. Reasons That Neighboring Protocols Are Needed
Section 26.3. Linux Implementation
Section 26.4. Proxying the Neighboring Protocol
Section 26.5. When Solicitation Requests Are Transmitted and Processed
Section 26.6. Neighbor States and Network Unreachability Detection (NUD)
Chapter 27. Neighboring Subsystem: Infrastructure
Section 27.1. Main Data Structures
Section 27.2. Common Interface Between L3 Protocols and Neighboring Protocols
Section 27.3. General Tasks of the Neighboring Infrastructure
Section 27.4. Reference Counts on neighbour Structures
Section 27.5. Creating a neighbour Entry
Section 27.6. Neighbor Deletion
Section 27.7. Acting As a Proxy
Section 27.8. L2 Header Caching
Section 27.9. Protocol Initialization and Cleanup
Section 27.10. Interaction with Other Subsystems
Section 27.11. Interaction Between Neighboring Protocols and L3 Transmission Functions
Section 27.12. Queuing
Chapter 28. Neighboring Subsystem: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
Section 28.1. ARP Packet Format
Section 28.2. Example of an ARP Transaction
Section 28.3. Gratuitous ARP
Section 28.4. Responding from Multiple Interfaces
Section 28.5. Tunable ARP Options
Section 28.6. ARP Protocol Initialization
Section 28.7. Initialization of a neighbour Structure
Section 28.8. Transmitting and Receiving ARP Packets
Section 28.9. Processing Ingress ARP Packets
Section 28.10. Proxy ARP
Section 28.11. Examples
Section 28.12. External Events
Section 28.13. ARPD
Section 28.14. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP)
Section 28.15. Improvements in ND (IPv6) over ARP (IPv4)
Chapter 29. Neighboring Subsystem: Miscellaneous Topics
Section 29.1. System Administration of Neighbors
Section 29.2. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 29.3. Data Structures Featured in This Part of the Book
Section 29.4. Files and Directories Featured in This Part of the Book
Part VII: Routing
Chapter 30. Routing: Concepts
Section 30.1. Routers, Routes, and Routing Tables
Section 30.2. Essential Elements of Routing
Section 30.3. Routing Table
Section 30.4. Lookups
Section 30.5. Packet Reception Versus Packet Transmission
Chapter 31. Routing: Advanced
Section 31.1. Concepts Behind Policy Routing
Section 31.2. Concepts Behind Multipath Routing
Section 31.3. Interactions with Other Kernel Subsystems
Section 31.4. Routing Protocol Daemons
Section 31.5. Verbose Monitoring
Section 31.6. ICMP_REDIRECT Messages
Section 31.7. Reverse Path Filtering
Chapter 32. Routing: Li nux Implementation
Section 32.1. Kernel Options
Section 32.2. Main Data Structures
Section 32.3. Route and Address Scopes
Section 32.4. Primary and Secondary IP Addresses
Section 32.5. Generic Helper Routines and Macros
Section 32.6. Global Locks
Section 32.7. Routing Subsystem Initialization
Section 32.8. External Events
Section 32.9. Interactions with Other Subsystems
Chapter 33. Routing: The Routing Cache
Section 33.1. Routing Cache Initialization
Section 33.2. Hash Table Organization
Section 33.3. Major Cache Operations
Section 33.4. Multipath Caching
Section 33.5. Interface Between the DST and Calling Protocols
Section 33.6. Flushing the Routing Cache
Section 33.7. Garbage Collection
Section 33.8. Egress ICMP REDIRECT Rate Limiting
Chapter 34. Routing: Routing Tables
Section 34.1. Organization of Routing Hash Tables
Section 34.2. Routing Table Initialization
Section 34.3. Adding and Removing Routes
Section 34.4. Policy Routing and Its Effects on Routing Table Definitions
Chapter 35. Routing: Lookups
Section 35.1. High-Level View of Lookup Functions
Section 35.2. Helper Routines
Section 35.3. The Table Lookup: fn_hash_lookup
Section 35.4. fib_lookup Function
Section 35.5. Setting Functions for Reception and Transmission
Section 35.6. General Structure of the Input and Output Routing Routines
Section 35.7. Input Routing
Section 35.8. Output Routing
Section 35.9. Effects of Multipath on Next Hop Selection
Section 35.10. Policy Routing
Section 35.11. Source Routing
Section 35.12. Policy Routing and Routing Table Based Classifier
Chapter 36. Routing: Miscellaneous Topics
Section 36.1. User-Space Configuration Tools
Section 36.2. Statistics
Section 36.3. Tuning via /proc Filesystem
Section 36.4. Enabling and Disabling Forwarding
Section 36.5. Data Structures Featured in This Part of the Book
Section 36.6. Functions and Variables Featured in This Part of the Book
Section 36.7. Files and Directories Featured in This Part of the Book
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