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  • 更新:2024-12-13 23:09:38
  • 大小:94.94MB
  • 推荐:★★★★★
  • 来源:网友上传分享
  • 类别:机器学习 - 人工智能
  • 格式:RAR


LOB语料库 创建时间: 1970年代初 创建单位:英国Lancaster大学和挪威Oslo大学以及Bergen大学 规模层级: 100万词次 基本情况:研究当代英国英语,与美国英语对比,使用了TAGIT系统,以统计方式建立换算几率矩阵,提高标注正确率。 The Lancaster-Oslo Bergen Corpus (LOB) was compiled by researchers in Lancaster, Oslo and Bergen. It consists of one million words of British En glish texts from 1961. The texts for the corpus were sampled from 15 different text categories. Each text is just over 2.000 words long (longer texts have b een cut at the first sentence boundary after 2.000 words) and the number of texts in each category varies (see table below). Further information about the t exts can be found in the LOB manual (external link). This corpus is the British counterpart of the Brown Corpus of American English. which contains texts printed in the same year so that comparison bet ween both varieties could be made