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C++源代码示例:gridtwit库的Twitter API Client OAuth演示

  • 更新:2024-06-19 23:18:56
  • 大小:509KB
  • 推荐:★★★★★
  • 来源:网友上传分享
  • 类别:C - 后端
  • 格式:GZ


附件有更新,新增了以前没有实现的tweet功能,这里附件不能更新,请有兴趣的,到这里去下载:http://code.google.com/p/gridtwit/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- you can refer to the demo program "gridtwit": http://code.google.com/p/gridtwit/ especially the files: "gridtwit_client_oauth_demo\Demo_Description.doc" and "gridtwit_client_oauth_demo\liboauth-0.9.1\tests\gridtwit.c" It details oauth authentication flow and coding(c++, liboauth). ----------------------------------------------------------- Version info V0.1.0 20100915 oauth authentication flow demo request token direct token access token timeline get get public timeline get friend timeline get following timeline get user timeline ids get get user's followed friends' ids (followers' ids) get user's following friends' id tweet get get tweet by id V0.1.1 20100923 tweet send the function works ok. upgrade liboauth liboauth-0.9.1 <- liboauth-0.8.9 Prompt: The latest version information in the file gridtwit.c recorded in the third line. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gridtwit_client_oauth_demo_src_0.1.0 用 C++ 语言实现 twitter 的 oauth 鉴权全过程。另外还有详细的文档试用说明(Demo_Description.doc)。这里拿出来共享,是希望大家在做同类产品时,在 OAUTH 鉴权过程中,可以参考这个,并少花点时间。 文件清单: gridtwit_client_oauth_demo.tar.gz file list: | Demo_Description.doc | gridtwit_run_output_info.txt | \---liboauth-0.8.9 | aclocal.m4 | AUTHORS | ChangeLog | compile | config.guess | config.sub | configure | configure.ac | COPYING | COPYING.GPL | COPYING.MIT | depcomp | Doxyfile.in | INSTALL | install-sh | liboauth.lsm.in | LICENSE.OpenSSL | ltmain.sh | Makefile.am | Makefile.in | missing | NEWS | oauth.pc.in | README | +---doc | libOAuth.png | mainpage.dox | mainpage.dox.in | Makefile.am | Makefile.in | oauth.3 | +---m4 | libtool.m4 | ltoptions.m4 | ltsugar.m4 | ltversion.m4 | lt~obsolete.m4 | +---src | config.h | config.h.in | hash.c | Makefile.am | Makefile.in | oauth.c | oauth.h | oauth_http.c | xmalloc.c | xmalloc.h | \---tests commontest.c commontest.h gridtwit.c ---- add Makefile.am ---- Modified, please cover the original file Makefile.in ---- Modified, please cover the original file oauthbodyhash.c oauthdatapost.c oauthexample.c oauthsign.c oauthtest.c oauthtest2.c selftest_eran.c selftest_other.c selftest_wiki.c