登陆 as admin
放入安装介质 CD and 安装 PBX software.
放入 NBU 介质 CD and 开始安装.
Installing NetBackup is a straightforward process. Log on to the server where you will be installing NetBackup as either root on UNIX or as an administrator on Windows.
>>> Insert the NetBackup CD in the drive.
>>> Run the installation script. If you are using Solaris 9, you will select which root to install to.
>>> Select the additional client software that will be installed.
>>> Select the installation directory. For UNIX, the default is slash o-p-t slash open vee. This directory has a link to slash user slash open vee.
>>> Enter the license key.
>>> Select the type of NetBackup server and the names of the other servers.
>>> Accept or change the default values of the service ports.
>>> Identify which host will store global device information.
>>> and start the NetBackup services. You will also have the option of creating sample policies and schedules and entering additional license keys.
- 上一篇: 硬盘空间要求-nbu培训中文版-2
- 下一篇: eMMC 4.51 标准