ROS Toolbox Getting Started Guide.pdf下载
ROS Toolbox provides an interface connecting MATLAB® and Simulink® with the Robot Operating
System (ROS and ROS 2), enabling you to create a network of ROS nodes. The toolbox includes
MATLAB functions and Simulink blocks to import, analyze, and play back ROS data recorded in
rosbag files. You can also connect to a live ROS network to access ROS messages.
The toolbox lets you verify ROS nodes via desktop simulation and by connecting to external robot
simulators such as Gazebo. ROS Toolbox supports C++ code generation (with Simulink Coder™),
enabling you to automatically generate ROS nodes from a Simulink model and deploy to simulated or
physical hardware. Support for Simulink external mode lets you view messages and change
parameters while your model is running on hardware.
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