AlphaControls v11.12 Stable FULL SOURCE (BCB6~BCB10.1) Retail下载
A package of standard and unique components for professional GUI design development using AlphaSkins. AlphaControls is an easy-to-use universal and powerful tool for developing original skinned and non-skinned business/media applications. A lot of additional properties and components makes this package (and the applications that use it) unique.
Supported: Delphi 5/6/7/2005-2010/XE-XE8, Builder 6/2006-2010/XE-XE8, RX Seattle, RX Berlin
Compatible with Windows XP and newer
Update: AlphaControls v11.12 Stable released12.08.2016
Fixed error in decoding of skins under Win64 compiler
Fixed "Out of range" error in the TsButton when the Default property is True
Solved issue with switching of the BorderIcons property
Solved issue with access to config file when developer works without administrator rights
Improved receiving of text color in ToolButtons
Improved scaling of the TsPageControl component
Improved autoselect the TsDateEdit component
Improved painting of the TsPanel component
Improved scaling of BoundLabel
Added changing of TsSpeedButton ImageIndex property after changing of Action.ImageIndex
Added new TsSkinManager.OnScaleModeChange event
Added automatic scaling of the TsVirtualImageList component sizes