ruby selenium-client-1.2.18.gem下载
1. Download the latest version of Selenium RC
2. Unzip the file save it C:\selenium-remote-control-1.0.3
3. command prompt>java -version –> Version should grater than 1.6.0_5
4. command prompt go to –> C:\selenium-remote-control-1.0.3\selenium-server-1.0.3>java -jar selenium-server.jar
5. Download the RubyInstaller– The Ruby Installer is currently available only for the Windows platform. The version that I have downloaded was Ruby 1.9.2-p0
6. Install the RubyInstaller by double slicking on the .exe file. A new Ruby folder is created in your C drive Ruby192
7. Download the selenium-client to c:\Ruby192\bin. The version I have downloaded was selenium-client 1.2.18
8. Set the CLASSPATH C:\Ruby192\bin – This is done by adding System Variables
9. Go to Cmd Prompt –> c:\Ruby192\bin>gem install selenium-client-1.2.18.gem
Once you install selenium-client you should get the following conformation message:
' 1 gem installed
' Installing ri documentation for selenium-client-1.2.18…
' Installing RDoc documentation for selenium-client-1.2.18…
10. Open a text editor and wirte your selenium test script code and save the file as googlesearch.rb under your test script folder in this example c:\seleniumrubytest
11. Go to c:\seleniumrubytest where you have the ruby script and execute the command ruby googlesearch.rb. Also make sure that you have the Selenium RC server running.
12. The selenium script will get executed and you will see the results on the command prompt.
Loaded suite googlesearch
Finished in 11.593750 seconds.
1 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
Test run options: –seed 23438
- 上一篇: Selenium_中文API_手册.zip
- 下一篇: ShiroExploit.V2.51.zip