这是用于不同的PC机、服务器、笔记本之间互相同步文件的,特别适合一个人拥有多台电脑切换使用的时候,文档和软件的互相同步,避免混淆不同版本或者手工繁琐操作。Syncovery is a great application used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, http, partial file updating, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. The scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. On Windows XP or later, locked files can be copied using the Volume Shadow Service.