List of Examples
11-1. edit_form() function
16-1. Initiating a TCP connection
16-2. Exchanging messages with a SMTP server
16-3. whois_request() function
16-4. Simple whois frontend (HTML code)
16-5. Simple whois frontend (PHP code)
16-6. Source code of the simple whois front-end
16-7. Allowing server choice
16-8. Changed PHP code
16-9. a function to tell the TLD
16-10. using an array to store information about whois server
16-11. is_domain_available
16-12. http class framework
16-13. Full http class
16-14. Using the http class
18-1. counting the hits per visitor
18-2. setcookie fails due to sent data before it
18-3. specifying the expire time
18-4. Deleting the cookie username
18-5. deleting and setting a new cookie
18-6. Identifying a visitor
21-1. addslashes()
21-2. output
21-3. output with enabled magic_quotes_sybase
21-4. The ugly way
21-5. automating the conversion process
21-6. using get_magic_quotes_gpc
21-7. using magic_quotes_runtime effectively
21-8. applying stripslashes()
21-9. two helper function
21-10. using sprintf()