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When to intervene in selective mutism: The multimodal treatment of a case of persistent selective mutism下载

  • 更新:2024-10-23 20:56:14
  • 大小:711KB
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  • 来源:网友上传分享
  • 类别:其它 - 开发技术
  • 格式:PDF


When to intervene in selective mutism: The multimodal treatment of a case of persistent selective mutism Psychology in the Schools Volume 32, April 1995 WHEN TO INTERVENE IN SELECTIVE MUTISM: THE MULTIMODAL TREATMENT OF A CASE OF PERSISTENT SELECTIVE MUTISM SHAWN POWELL AND MAHLON DALLEY University of Northern Colorado An identification and treatment model differentiating Transient from Persistent Selec- tive Mutism is proposed. The model incorporates treatment recommendations for