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适用于神舟K590S和K790S的地球人笔记本W3x0ET BIOS EC

  • 更新:2024-11-07 19:36:44
  • 大小:6.73MB
  • 推荐:★★★★★
  • 来源:网友上传分享
  • 类别:嵌入式 - 行业
  • 格式:RAR


资源下载自地球人笔记本官方论坛 使用机种: Terrans Force W3x0ET (Mobile Intel? HM77 Express Chipset) 备注: BIOS 1.02.18版本说明: 1. System BIOS 1.02.18 (can't work with all 1.00.xx EC firmware). 2. Define e-SATA device as external device. 3. It is necessary to update system's EC firmware to 1.02.xx first. 4. It is necessary to refer to the instruction of readme.txt to update firmware. EC 1.02.08版本说明: 1. EC firmware 1.02.08. 2. support both Windows 7 and Windows 8. 3. It is necessary to refer to the instruction of readme_EC.txt to update firmware.. 额外说明: 1.此版本支持windows 8系统 2.必须在DOS环境下刷新BIOS和EC 3.必须先刷EC,然后按照readme.txt更新BIOS 4.BIOS及EC版本不可以降级刷 -------------------------------------------------------- 神舟笔记本 K590S 和 K790S 可刷此版本的BIOS 看不懂英文README刷新步骤的可到此查看详细刷新步骤: http://nbbbs.zol.com.cn/43/1191_422678.html