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JavaScript for Dummies 4th Edition下载

  • 更新:2024-12-01 12:02:44
  • 大小:11.17MB
  • 推荐:★★★★★
  • 来源:网友上传分享
  • 类别:Javascript - 前端
  • 格式:PDF


From the Publisher JavaScript For Dummies, 4rd edition: Explains JavaScript and how it differs from java, HTML, and other Web programming tools Describes what users can do with JavaScript that they can't do with HTML Outlines how JavaScript, the platform-independent scripting language, works with the latest versions of Netscape Navigator 5 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 Includes an important overview of Object-Oriented Concepts and the JavaScript language Shows users how to "team up" JavaScript with Java, C++, OpenDoc, and Common Gateway Interface (CGI) to create powerful multimedia applications Describes how to build a quickie Web page using HTML tags Shows users how to create a Java applet and run the applet from the Web page Covers JavaScript's forms so users can easily enter data and receive feedback Guides users as they write and debug their own JavaScript programs From the Back Cover Now with more about JavaScript for Internet Explorer Here's the secret to building dynamic Web pages that get your visitors involved Want the script for cool Web pages? With this handy guide by your side, it's easy to follow! Completely revised, this edition gives you all the JavaScript basics as well as step-by-step instructions for getting your scripts onto the Web. Before you know it, you could be building interactive Web sites for fun — or profit! Discover how to Write, test, and debug JavaScript scripts Detect a user's browser Format and display times and dates Store information with cookies Create hot buttons, clickable images, mouse rollovers, and more