The C Cheat Sheet - An Introduction to Programming in C下载
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The main() Function
1.2 Include Files
1.3 Whitespace
1.4 The Preprocessor
1.4.1 The #define Directive
1.4.3 The #include Directive
1.4.4 The #ifdef/#else/#endif Directives
1.4.5 More Directives
1.4.6 Predefined Macros
2.0 Basic Data Types
2.1 Signed Integer Types
2.2 Unsigned Integer Types
2.3 Integer Overflow
2.4 Real Data Types
2.5 BCC32 Implementation
2.6 The void Type
3.0 Control Flow
3.1 The if/else/endif Statements
3.2 Compound Statements
3.3 Nested if Statements
3.4 The switch/case Statement
3.5 The for Statement
3.6 The while Statement
3.7 The do/while Statement
3.8 The break Statement
3.9 The continue Statement
3.10 The goto Statement
3.11 The return Statement
4.0 Expressions and Operators
4.1 Basic Arithmetic Operators
4.2 Promotion and Casting
4.3 More Arithmetic Operators
4.4 Assignment Operators
4.5 Bitwise Operators
4.6 Relational Operators
4.7 Logical Operators
4.8 The Conditional Operator
The C Cheat Sheet Revision 1
Copyright ? 2000 Andrew Sterian iv
4.9 The Comma Operator
4.10 Operator Precedence and Association
5.0 Program Structure
5.1 Declaring Functions
5.2 Calling Functions
5.3 Local Variables
5.4 Global Variables
6.0 Advanced Data Types
6.1 Arrays
6.2 Structures
6.3 Pointers
6.4 Strings
6.4.1 String Pointers
6.4.2 String Operations
6.5 Enumerated Types
6.6 Bitfields
6.7 Unions
7.0 Advanced Programming Concepts
7.1 Standard I/O
7.1.1 Opening Files
7.1.2 Writing to File Pointers
7.1.3 Reading from File Pointers
7.1.4 The stdin/stdout/stderr Streams
7.2 Dynamic Memory Allocation
7.3 Memory Manipulation
7.4 Declaring New Types
7.5 Pointers to Functions
7.6 Command-Line Parameters
8.0 Multi-File Programs
8.1 Basic Concepts
8.2 Include Files as Interfaces
8.3 Object Files and Linking
8.4 The Details of the Compilation Process
9.0 The Standard C Library
9.1 Assertion Checking
9.2 Character Classification
9.3 Error Reporting
9.4 Buffer Manipulation
9.5 Non-Local Jumps
9.6 Event Signalling
9.7 Variable-Length Argument Lists
9.8 Miscellaneous Functions
9.9 String Handling
9.10 Time Functions
9.11 Floating-Point Math
9.12 Standard I/O
10.0 Tips, Tricks, and Caveats
10.1 Infinite Loops
10.2 Unallocated Storage
10.3 The Null Statement
10.4 Extraneous Semicolons
10.5 strcmp is Backwards
10.6 Unterminated Comments
10.7 Equality and Assignment
10.8 Assertion Checking
10.9 Error Checking
10.10 Programming Style
11.0 Differences between Java and C