ORM ServiceStack.OrmLite.SqlServer 无限制破解版下载
OrmLite's goal is to provide a convenient, DRY, config-free, RDBMS-agnostic typed wrapper that retains a high affinity with SQL, exposing intuitive APIs that generate predictable SQL and maps cleanly to (DTO-friendly) disconnected POCO's. This approach makes easier to reason-about your data access making it obvious what SQL is getting executed at what time, whilst mitigating unexpected behavior, implicit N+1 queries and leaky data access prevalent in Heavy ORMs.
Whilst ServiceStack v4 is a commercially-supported product, we also allow free usage for small projects and evaluation purposes.
The NuGet packages above include the quota's below which can be unlocked with a license key:
10 Operations in ServiceStack (i.e. Request DTOs)
10 Tables in OrmLite
20 Different Types in JSON, JSV and CSV Serializers *
20 Different Types in Redis Client Typed APIs
6000 requests per hour with the Redis Client
上传的破解是针对SQL数据库的版本在.NET 2.0-4.0之间