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【10】Towards End-to-End Speech Recognitionwith Recurrent Neural Networks.pdf下载

  • 更新:2024-12-12 15:46:56
  • 大小:465KB
  • 推荐:★★★★★
  • 来源:网友上传分享
  • 类别:深度学习 - 人工智能
  • 格式:PDF


This paper presents a speech recognition system that directly transcribes audio data with text, without requiring an intermediate phonetic representation. The system is based on a combination of the deep bidirectional LSTM recurrent neural network architecture and the Connectionist Temporal Classification objective function. A modification to the objective function is introduced that trains the network to minimise the expectation of an arbitrary transcription loss function. This allows a direct optimisation of the word error rate, even in the absence of a lexicon or language model. The system achieves a word error rate of 27.3% on the Wall Street Journal corpus with no prior linguistic information, 21.9% with only a lexicon of allowed words, and 8.2% with a trigram language model. Combining the network with a baseline system further reduces the error rate to 6.7%.