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一个在 MATLAB 中基于神经网络的人脸检测工具包,其效果表现优

  • 更新:2024-12-16 20:07:26
  • 大小:173KB
  • 推荐:★★★★★
  • 来源:网友上传分享
  • 类别:Matlab - 大数据
  • 格式:ZIP


Face Detection Program for MATLAB using Gabor Feature Extraction and Neural Networks ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1- copy all files and directories to the MATLAB's work folder * In order to run the program you must have Image Processing and Neural Networks Toolboxes 2- find the file named "main.m" 3- Double click on this file or type "main" in the command window 4- a menu will be shown . click on "Train Network" and wait until the program is done with the training 5- click on "Test on Photos". A dialog box will be appeared. Select a .jpg photo 6- Wait until the program detects some faces Note*: 1) This program only detects faces thatcan fit inside a 27x18 window. 2) MATLAB 7.1+, Image Processing and Neural Network Toolboxes are required.