第三方delphi 2007补丁
IDE Fix Pack 2007 - Version 3.0 (2010-03-15)
1. Start IDEFixPackReg.exe under your user account
2. Select the IDE registry keys for which you want to install the bugfix
3. Press the "Install" button
1. Start IDEFixPackReg.exe under your user account
2. Press the "Uninstall" button. This will uninstall the bugfix for all
(not only the selected) IDE registry keys.
- Added fix for: QC #80822: ObjectInspecor: Properties are duplicated after scrolling
- Added fix for: QC #80776: ObjectInspector shows "EditControl" instead of the real content
- Added fix for: QC #79776: Clicking on object Inspector rejects focus
- Added fix for: QC #75738: Debugging extremly slow
- Added fix for: QC #68493: Switching away and back to Delphi orphans focus on Code Editor
- Added fix for: Vista compatible main icon resource doesn't work
- Added fix for: 64 bit Debugger assertion
- Added fix for: Undo destroyed editor buffer
- Added fix for: Vista 64 IDE startup delay
- Added: QC #74646: Buffer overflow in TCustomClientDataSet.DataConvert with ftWideString
- Fixed: TTabSheet looked strange if used with SilverThemes
- Fixed: The AppDeActivateZOrder patch now fixes the cause instead of the symptoms
- Added fix for: Error Insight fails to find TObject class
- Added fix for: Possible deadlock when Error Insight calls ProcessMessages
- Added for for IDE may select the wrong file when performing a ctrl+click on a filename
in the editor
- Added faster AnsiCompareFileName replacement function which speeds up the "Install Packages..." dialog
- Added: fix for "Cannot resolve unit name" Error Insight bug.
- Fixed: C++Builder compilation slow down caused by the ReadWrite mode fix
- Fixed: DBGrid ScrollBar gab wasn't painted correctly in BiDiMode <> bdLeftToRight
- Fixed: TTabSheet could throw an access violation if no PageControl was assigned to it
- Added fix for Show Component Caption IDE bug
- Added fix for IDE Compiler opens all files in ReadWrite mode and blocks command line compiler
Added: Control resize fix replaces the old editor resize bugfix
Added: Background Parser now stops if the main thread wants to do something with the compiler.
Added: Fix for Find dialog has problems with Umlaut chars
Removed: CodeCompletion is fixed in RAD Studio 2007 April Update
Added: Added fix for TCustomActionList.Notification memory overwrite
Added: Fixed some TDBGrid and TPageControl form designer flicker
Improved: Application window tastbar button removal (should now work for all Windows versions)
Added: CodeCompletion patch to show inherited items
Added Application window tastbar button removal for Vista
Added TDBText Color bugfix
Renamed to IDE Fix Pack
Initial release as IDEWin64Fix
- 上一篇: SQL2008+日志收缩工具
- 下一篇: WinISO v6.4.0官网最新注册版.rar