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  • 更新:2024-12-19 16:42:20
  • 大小:5.59MB
  • 推荐:★★★★★
  • 来源:网友上传分享
  • 类别:Java - 后端
  • 格式:ZIP


SwiXml是一个为java应用程序与Applets产生GUI界面的引擎。利用XML文档来描述用户图形界面。在运行时解释XML文档并编译成javax.swing对象 SwiX 毫升 ,是一个小型的GUI和小程序的Java应用程序生成引擎。 Graphical User Interfaces are described in XML documents that are parsed at runtime and rendered into javax.swing objects.图形用户界面的XML描述了在运行时被解析成javax.swing中的对象提供的文件。 Depending on the application, XML descriptors may be deployed with the remaining code or loaded from a remote server at runtime.根据不同的应用中,XML部署描述符可能是剩下的代码,或从远程服务器在运行时加载。 This late binding of the GUI has many advantages.这个GUI的后期绑定有很多好处。 Enabling features in an application based on a license code or a user's role does not have to be hard coded anymore.在对牌照代码或用户的基于角色的应用程序启用的功能没有被硬编码了。 Instead an XML document describing the application's GUI could be dynamically loaded.而是一个XML文件,说明应用程序的图形用户界面可动态加载。 Generating the GUI based on descriptors also has some of the advantages that code generators provide, but without generating the non-maintainable code.基于图形用户界面生成描述也有一些优势的代码发生器提供,但没有产生非维护的代码。 While SwiX ml doesn't free the developer from knowing the javax.swing package, it reduces the amount of repetitive, sometimes error prone, and often complex GUI related code.虽然不知道SwiX 毫升 javax.swing包不是免费的开发人员从,它减少了容易出现重复量,有时错误,并且往往是复杂的图形用户界面相关的代码。 Constructing a User Interface based on XML documents is not a totally new idea.构建一个用户界面基于XML文件是不是一个全新的观点。 Projects like Thinlet , XUL, XULUX, Jelly, and SwingML, to name a few, have successfully proven this concept.相似的项目Thinlet ,使用XUL,XULUX,果冻和SwingML,仅举几例,成功地证明了这一概念。