SQLite的语法分析器是用 Lemon 生成的(Lemon是一个开源的 LALR(1)语法分析器的生成
器,SQLite在使用时进行了定制)。该分析器用 parse.c内定义的语法规则将一串词组织成层
次结构的分析树(parse tree)。
The parse tree is primarily composed of expressions and lists of expressions. An expression itself
is a recursive structure that can contain subexpressions under it. For example, the WHERE clause
in a SELECT parse tree is represented by a single expression. The SELECT clause, on the other
hand, is represented as a list of expressions; each expression is a column that will be returned in
the result set. 例如,如下简单的 SQL语句:
SELECT rowid, name, season FROM episodes WHERE rowid=1 LIMIT 1
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