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使用Python学习算法:LeetCode与OJ-Python-LeetCode
资源介绍
leetcode
和
oj
python-leetcode
For
learning
algorithm
using
Python
####Important
notice####
if
you
simply
copy
and
paste
my
code
to
leetcode
you
may
find
compile
error
like
following
"IndentationError:
unindent
does
not
match
any
outer
indentation
level"
"IndentationError:
unexpected
indent"
That's
because
python
is
sensitive
to
"space",
please
re-format
your
code
and
submit
again
:)
如果您发现这里的代码拷贝到leetcode无法编译通过,那是github和leetcode对空格的格式不同,python又对空格格外敏感,请适当编辑您的代码的格式
再试一遍